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Equity Platform Investments


Add-On Acquisitions


Number of Realizations




US and Selectively in Canada

Investment Structures

Preferred or Common Equity

Lower Middle Market Businesses

Source Capital is a private investment firm that invests in lower middle market companies across a range of industries. Since our founding in 2002, we have made more than 90 equity platform and add-on acquisitions while employing a patient, long-term approach to value creation across our portfolio.

Target Business Profile

  • Asset light businesses with strong competitive positions in niche and/or fragmented industries

  • Strong regional businesses

  • Tech-enabled services and opportunities to develop new products and services

  • Opportunity for market consolidation through add-on acquisitions

  • Companies with re-occurring revenues, attractive cash flow characteristics and meaningful growth opportunities

Investment Types

  • Management-backed leveraged buyouts
  • Recapitalizations
  • Buy & Build Platforms
  • Growth Capital
  • Corporate Divestitures
  • Add-on Acquisitions

a couple of people in blue shirts standing next to a large machine

Business/ Industrial Services

a person working on a piece of paper

Niche Manufacturing

a woman holding a stethoscope

Healthcare Services

a warehouse with blue walls

Value-Added Distribution

a person standing behind a shopping cart

Consumer Products and Services

a person typing on a laptop

Tech-enabled Services

a group of colorful containers

Transportation Logistics

Industry Experience

Our firm specializes in providing equity investments to lower middle market companies across a diverse range of industries. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities that these companies face and work closely with management teams to help them achieve their growth and strategic objectives. By partnering with us, companies can access the capital and expertise needed to take their businesses to the next level. Our team has a proven track record of success and is committed to helping our portfolio companies succeed in today's competitive marketplace.

Team of Experts

Hear From Our Partners1

Partnering with Source Capital offered our leadership team the chance to monetize a portion of the company we built while keeping a material ownership stake as we geared up for the company's next phase of growth. It also positioned us to pursue new expansion opportunities we couldn't execute on our own - most notably add-on acquisitions with highly complementary companies.

Chris Koczaja

CEO of LightWave Solar

I have had the opportunity to partner with and serve as CEO for two Source Capital portfolio companies. Source consistently provided me and my team with helpful insight and guidance on both strategic opportunities and challenges. Their dedication to improving operations, systems and processes, encouraging innovation and providing capital for growth made a real difference in the successful outcomes for both businesses.

Dave Sholtis

Former CEO of M&M Carnot & Penray

Source's growth capital investment in Amplifi has enabled our team to accelerate organic and M&A growth initiatives. Their flexible approach allowed us to quickly capitalize on the rapidly growing data services market and continue our global expansion. Our team has enjoyed the collaborative approach with Source, and we are appreciative of their strategic support.

Corey Mellick

CEO & President of Amplifi

1 The endorsement above was not provided by a current client or investor. Source Capital does not provide compensation for any endorsements, however the entity providing the endorsement receives compensation through a business relationship with Source Capital. Therefore, the entity has an incentive to provide a favorable endorsement.


With Source Capital

Source Capital, LLC is an investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). However, registration as an investment adviser with the SEC does not imply a certain level of skill or training. This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a complete description of our investment services. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Investing involves risk. Principal loss is possible. This website does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security. Additional information about Source Capital, LLC and its affiliated investment advisers is available on the SEC's website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov and in our Form ADV Part 2A Firm Brochure and Form ADV Part 2B Brochure Supplements.

Source Capital LLC

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